OEHS’ Laboratory Safety Program seeks to minimize the risk of injury or illness to laboratory workers by ensuring that they have the training, information, support and equipment needed to work safely in the laboratory. OEHS’ Laboratory Safety team provides guidance and oversight to research staff in the following areas:
- Use, Storage, and Disposal of hazardous materials
- The development of specific lab safety Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Maintenance of accurate chemical inventories
- Fume hood inspections and certifications
- Evaluations and inspections
- Assistance with plan reviews related to laboratory renovations
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Check the OEHS SciShield Guide for basic instructions.
Ask your supervisor to add you to their lab group/add permissions. Contact oehs@tulane.edu for help setting up a new group or changing room assignments.
Laboratory Safety:
The OSHA Lab Standard (29 CFR 1910.1450) requires each employer to develop a comprehensive Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) in order to implement safe laboratory practices and to minimize exposure to hazardous and toxic chemicals. Tulane OEHS maintains a general Chemical Hygiene Plan, which is to be supplemented by laboratory-specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) developed by the Principal Investigator (PI) of each laboratory.
For more information on Chemical Safety, click HERE.
Tulane is committed to Research and Lab Safety Compliance
Expectations for Research and Lab Safety Compliance - Memo
Lab Supervisor Roles (Principal Investigator):
Laboratory supervisors are required to develop and implement Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) specific to their work practices and attach these SOPs to a copy of the Chemical Hygiene Plan developed by OEHS. Together, the compilation of the CHP and individual SOPs formulate a site-specific CHP for that particular laboratory. Laboratory supervisors must save a copy for their own records and to share with their laboratory staff.
Other duties of the Lab Supervisor include:
- Developing and implementing standard operating procedures (SOPs) for their laboratories which should also include emergency response procedures (see the resources section below for SOP development);
- Informing employees about the OSHA Lab Standard and Tulane’s Chemical Hygiene Plan and ensuring that laboratory personnel comply with the Chemical Hygiene Plan;
- Ensuring that engineering controls are in place (see Chemical Fume Hoods Fact Sheet)
- Providing safety training, including specific training on lab SOPs, to employees and documenting the training;
- Keeping door signs up to date with hazard-specific information associated with the laboratory and up-to-date emergency contact information. Door signs are generated through SciShield, see How to Create a Door Sign.
- Entering hazardous chemicals into the ChemTracker tab of SciShield and performing at least annual Reconciliation of that inventory;
- Completing a PPE Hazard Assessment at least annually. Ensuring appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing is worn by employees and students in lab areas;
- Performing documented Quarterly Focus Inspections of their area and reporting and correcting unsafe conditions;
- Notifying OEHS if exposure monitoring or medical consultations due to chemical exposure are needed;
- Obtaining approval from OEHS prior to work with certain high risk substances (select agents, carcinogens, explosives, reproductive toxins, acutely toxic substances, etc.);
- Ensuring the proper storage and disposal of chemicals and hazardous waste (see the OEHS Waste Management page).
Annual Lab Safety Inspections
The OEHS inspections team conducts annual, in-person inspections of research labs across Tulane. These are scheduled inspections of one faculty member or lab director's group at a time. A list of 25 safety items is checked and recommendations for corrections are communicated to the PI and their lab members. OEHS will assist with requesting maintenance of safety equipment. Other items should be corrected and the inspector informed so that the inspection can be closed.
Labs can best prepare for these inspections by reviewing the Annual Laboratory Safety Inspection Prep Checklist for Researchers.
When contacted by OEHS to schedule your lab's inspection, please respond promptly with your availability!
Lab Compliance Verification Form
Each year, laboratory supervisors must complete the Laboratory Safety Compliance Verification Form (formerly titled Lab Paperwork Documentation) in order to comply with regulatory requirements. This should be done by the PI, Director, or other responsible party for each lab group. The document indicates that the lab is participating in several required safety programs at Tulane.
Complete and sign, then rename the document to: <2025> Compliance Form. The form must be uploaded to the Documents tab of your SciShield group page.
- Laboratory-Specific Standard Operating Procedures Fact Sheet
- SOP Guidelines for Handling Hazardous Chemicals
- Laboratory Decommissioning Policy
- Laboratory Chemical Spill Response Standard Operating Procedure Template
- Laboratory Chemical Spill Response PowerPoint Presentation
Lab workers must complete appropriate Safety Training: Safety Training for Lab Workers Fact Sheet
OEHS has developed 2 combined training courses for Faculty, Staff, and Students working in laboratories to more conveniently meet their annual training requirements. These courses are available as recorded presentations. Completing the associated quiz for either is equivalent to completion of several online modules. We highly recommend all lab workers to take the first course:
OEHS Safety Training for Researchers Includes the equivalent information from the most common training modules needed by lab workers. We highly recommend this course to all research faculty, staff, and students. Powerpoint Slides
TULearn/Bridge Quiz Canvas Quiz(password: scishield) Canvas 2025 Enroll Link
OEHS Bio Lab Safety Training (30 minutes) includes equivalent information to the Blood Borne Pathogens, Formaldehyde, and Respirators modules. This training is required annually for anyone working with those materials. Powerpoint Slides
TULearn/Bridge Quiz Canvas Quiz(password: scishield) Canvas 2024 Enroll Link
More specific individual training modules are also available online. Tulane employees can access training through TU Learn. Students can access training through Canvas. More information about the training programs is available HERE.
OEHS has purchased supplies to build spill kits. These are being distributed to labs during annual inspections in 2024.
For questions regarding the Laboratory Safety Program or to inquire about topics not yet included on this website, please contact:
Pamela Fatland, Director of Research and Laboratory Safety
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Email: pfatlan@tulane.edu
Marcel Charbonnet, Lab Safety Manager and Chemical Hygiene Officer
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Email: mcharbo@tulane.edu
Radioactive material (RAM) training is required for all authorized personnel using radioactive materials, especially any type of open form radionuclides. This training will provide a basic understanding of ionizing radiation and its potential hazards, as well as knowledge of the particular rules, regulations, and university processes governing RAM use.
For questions regarding the radiation safety program or to inquire about topics not yet included on this website, please contact:
Tony Davila, Radiation Safety Officer
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Email: adavila@tulane.edu
Laser Safety:
LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The word radiation in this sense refers to energy transfer; lasers are a form of non-ionizing radiation.
Lasers can present various health and safety hazards including burns to eyes and skin. A laser classification scheme has been developed to describe the capability of a laser or laser system to produce injury. Various control measures (facility design, work practices, training, personal protective equipment) are required depending on the type of laser. All Class IIIb and IV lasers/laser systems must be registered with the OEHS Laser Safety Officer, Anthony Davila.
OEHS reviews purchase orders for laser generating equipment, receives notification of any plans to install lasers, conducts surveys of laser work areas, and can provide training and information on the safe use of lasers. Further details on the laser safety program are provided in the Laser Safety Manual or from the Laser Safety Officer, Anthony Davila.
For questions regarding the Laser Safety Program or to inquire about topics not yet included on this website, please contact:
Tony Davila, Laser Safety Officer
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Email: adavila@tulane.edu