Update Chemical Inventory

Chemical inventories at Tulane are managed using SciShield.

All labs are required to maintain an inventory of their chemicals and update it at least annually.

This only applies to traditional chemicals.  Powders, liquids, or gasses made up of one material with a single CAS number or common pre-mixed commercial blends of chemicals. 

You are not required to track non-hazardous chemicals, commercial products like household cleaners, or consumables such as cell culture media.


To set up your Inventory:

Use the "ChemTracker" tab for your lab group to access the inventory. 

The initial page will display a search function to find chemicals in your existing inventory.

Use the "Add Inventory" tab to add new chemical containers to the inventory.

The "Totals" tab will display total amounts of each compound in all containers.

The "Bulk Edit" tab will allow editing information of multiple chemical containers at once.  This is very useful when moving your chemicals to a new room.

The "Reconciliation" tab is used to update the inventory.  This should be done at least annually.  The dates when reconciliations are performed will be recorded in the platform so that reminders can easily be sent if an inventory is overdue for review.

The "Find Other Chemicals" tab allows you to search for a needed chemical among the inventories of other Tulane researchers.  By default, all chemicals entered will be searchable by other users.  If you wish to make a chemical non-searchable, there is a flag called "Container Status" on each container with 3 options:  "Normal", "Hidden", or "Surplus".  The default is Normal.  To hide your containers, change them to Hidden.  If you have containers that are good quality but unneeded, set them to Surplus. 

When looking for other chemicals, there is a box that can be selected to only look for containers that have been flagged as Surplus.


If you are having difficulty accessing your inventory or need help, contact us at OEHS@tulane.edu.